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Games and gamification can create meaningful collaboration formats and learning experiences that drive innovation and entre- and intrapreneurial thinking.


Corporate Sustainability Innovation Game & Corporate Sustainability Dilemma Game

Activate employees to engage in sustainability-oriented innovation, and raise awareness for issues of corporate sustainability at the workplace


Proximity remote game

How might we facilitate social  interactions that enable trust and teambuilding for increasing  well-being and performance in globally displaced teams?



Customer First Change game

How might we train and qualify  change processes related to Customer First orientation.


Business model Branching

How might we reconfigure existing  value propositions and business models, and build up new  ones continuously.


Shift - Overcoming innovation barriers

How might we overcome typical  innovation barriers in the full scale of innovation processes

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Ecosystem Canvas - Enhancing Entrepreneurial Education

How Can we understand the value, dialogical relations and learning in Entrepreneurial Education Ecosystems?

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