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GAMIFY is a Knowledge Alliance that brings together academia and industry to advance gamification for innovation and entrepreneurship (InnEn). Gamification and games are powerful means to stimulate innovation and create entrepreneurial and collaborative cultures among students, employees, managers and customers.


GAMIFY focuses on three strategic areas:

  1. product & services,

  2. strategy & business models,

  3. work processes & life-long learning.


The project combines the efforts of business and HEI educators to create new learner-centred teaching methods, open up new learning opportunities and develop the practical application of entrepreneurial skills using games. This will be framed as an innovative teaching module to be embedded in the existing curricula of HEI and corporate training programs.


The partnership combines the knowledge of four HEIs (HHL, HMKW, Complutense University of Madrid, Design School Kolding), the expertise of six industry partners (Deutsche Telekom, Danske Bank, 3M, Kamstrup, Lufthansa Systems, Generali Deutschland AG), the dissemination capacity of ISPIM and the quality assurance competence of ASIIN accreditation agency.


Project outputs will be free and extensively disseminated to HEIs, intermediaries and enterprises to use and adapt, stimulating the collaborative uptake of quality games and gamified formats that promote innovation and entrepreneurship during and beyond the lifetime of the project.

GAMIFY Project Partners & Associated Partners


Project Number: 600947-EPP-1-2018-1-DE-EPPKA2-KA 

Project Duration: Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2021

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